Please help us by registering on our attendee registration site
Use the promo code datasatoslo2025-speaker to get free lunch and your badges printed correctly.
Sponsor slide
We do not have a slide template for you, but you can find the sponsor slide – and a QR code for your session eval here closer to the event (and we will send out a reminder.)
Sharing is caring ❤️
Sharing your speaking slot on social media:
We have created a “I am speaking”-banner for you to share on social media if you wish. You can find and download the banner on Sessionize and there should be a green button labeled “Speaker banner” in the list of your accepted session like the one below.
The background image is from taken from the Opera, facing out towards the harbour and Vippetangen and Bjørvika. You can find it in the Speaker dashboard on Sessionize
The venue is Campus Fjerdingen, Høyskolen Christiania – Chr. Kroghsgate 32 (Google Maps)
- There will be a speaker room for you to sit and prepare in peace.
- There is a good internet connection at the venue.
- All rooms will have decent screens with HDMI connections – this is a well-equipped school, lucky us!
- Near the Oslo Central station you can also find the Oslo Opera, which if you have never been to Oslo is worth a visit. If nothing else take a walk on the roof.
- The whole Bjørvika area which is brand new also boasts of the cool new Deichmanske library, the new Munch Museum and is well worth a visit. You could go for a swim in the fjord if the weather is warm enough.
Speaker dinner:
We will have a speaker dinner on Friday. Place is TBA – but normally we start at 19:00
We will send out a registration link in a couple of weeks and then you will also see which restaurant we will go to.
After-event party:
We do not serve alcohol at our event as a policy.
However, we invite anyone who wants, to join us at the after-event party! Venue for the party will also be announced later.
Sunday excursion:
This year as well, we will be heading up to a lake (Songsvann) in the forest. (Weather permitting) We will meet outside Oslo Central station at the tiger statue Sunday morning at 10 AM and take the subway up. It is an easy walk along the lake, and we will light a fire – and make sausages and waffles.
You can jump into the lake if you feel like swimming. Normally we wrap up around 2:30 to 3 PM – but it is easy to get back to the city center on your own if you want or need to leave earlier.
Repeating the success from last year we will split up and take those willing on a hike from the campfire site to Ullevålseter and back. You can leave things at the campfire site if you like. It’s a hike of total 11 km and about 1 hour walk each way – some elevation but still an easy hike.
You can at any time contact Rune Rakeie or Johan Ludvig Brattås if you need any information. Whether you need some tips on what to see while you visit, if you have any questions or need help before or during your stay in Oslo.
- Rune’s e-mail is Phone: +47 924 98 888
- Johan’s e-mail is Phone: +47 400 08 589